
Words Matter

In October 2020, Mindspeller reached out to a regional suicide prevention hotline to explore how Mindspeller’s neuro-semantic AI might be able to help save lives. Indeed, in one of our previous blogposts, we already referred to an article by the BBC explaining how the use of words can mean the difference between life or death… Continue reading Words Matter

What’s a Brain Computer Interface (BCI or BMI) and what will be its impact on our society?

MM New Trends & Technology interviews Mindspeller CEO, Hannes De Wachter, about the evolutions in Brain-Computer-Interfaces. Check out the 15 minute podcast (in Dutch) by selecting your preferred podcast player platform:   Spotify Apple Google     #BrandStrategy #ConsumerNeuroscience #BCI #BrainComputerInterfacing

EOS features Mindspeller in BCI related article

The well known Benelux science and technology publisher, EOS, features an interview with one of Mindspeller’s BCI experts, Bob van Dyck, in their September journal. Here’s the link to the original article (in Dutch):   Below, please find a deepl.com translation of the article to English:   “Will we be chatting through our thoughts soon?… Continue reading EOS features Mindspeller in BCI related article

Interview with Mindspeller BCI expert, Bob Van Dyck, on how computers will read your mind in the near future

Check out this 15 minute interview (in Dutch) with one of our leading experts on Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs), Bob Van Dyck. English version will follow soon!

Brain-Computer-Interfaces (BCIs) to trigger paradigm shift in DIY consumer neuroscience?

  Recently Elon Musk’s NeuraLink unveiled the next step in its Brain Computer Interface (BCI) research. The application potential of BCIs on marketing cannot be understated. Being able to measure human brain reactions to marketing stimuli can reveal insights, previously inaccessible because of respondents’ unwillingness or inability to articulate subconscious associations.   However, using BCIs… Continue reading Brain-Computer-Interfaces (BCIs) to trigger paradigm shift in DIY consumer neuroscience?

Reliving Feelings and Emotions using video

Is it possible to convey an actor’s emotions using first person video? Triggering emotions can reinforce your intended brand associations by accelerating the subconscious, associative learning process. In collaboration with Red Bull, Mindspeller started an investigation to better understand if and how marketeers can use video to leverage emotions experienced by the actor. THE SETUP… Continue reading Reliving Feelings and Emotions using video

Replicating Stella Artois’ brand strategy using big human data

Mindspeller was founded in Leuven (Belgium), the beer capital of the world. We chose Stella Artois, an internationally renowned beer brand, for creating a showcase that demonstrates our methodology and how the Mindspeller AI works. Assumption A few years ago, Stella Artois rebranded its premium lager. When creating this showcase, we assumed that the brand… Continue reading Replicating Stella Artois’ brand strategy using big human data

What can mindspeller teach the mindflayer?

STRANGER THINGS VS BREAKING BAD: HOW A NEURO-SEMANTIC AI CAN IMPROVE YOUR NEXT NETFLIX RECOMMENDATION At Mindspeller, a KU Leuven AI spin-off, we like to help brands improve their consumers’ user experience (UX). Recently, we wondered how popular Netflix series such as Breaking Bad and Stranger Things compare in UX from a consumer neuroscience perspective.… Continue reading What can mindspeller teach the mindflayer?

Can mindspeller’s copy optimizer save lives?

Last month, BBC Future published an article titled “The simple words that save lives.” The article illustrates the impact your choice of words can have when the stakes are high. Police negotiation tactics When dealing with people in crisis, for example, police negotiators often try to keep their subjects talking. In doing so, they noticed… Continue reading Can mindspeller’s copy optimizer save lives?

Reading the thoughts of consumers with EEG

Using eeg recordings to predict video skipping behavior and viewer interest Prof. Dr. Ir. Marc Van Hulle, apart from being one of the founding members of Mindspeller, is also an expert in the field of Brain-Computer-Interfacing (BCI). His laboratory recently published a breakthrough study on EEG recordings that can predict whether an individual decides to… Continue reading Reading the thoughts of consumers with EEG