Know what your customer wants: it’s the mantra for every self-respecting marketer today. But how do you find out? To bombard that same customer with surveys is not a good idea according to the start-up Mindspeller. Because according to the company from Leuven, there is a huge difference between what people say and do.
That’s why Mindspeller is fully committed to neuromarketing and uses a lot of atypical methods to do so. Thanks to its sophisticated brain-computer interface, the start-up can almost read the thoughts of your customers – and you can take that quite literally. Reason enough to take a closer look at Mindspeller! Source:

Mindspeller – AI & neuromarketing for brand positioning
Every week we talk to a founder who is looking for external financing. This week we will be talking to Hannes de Wachter, co-founder and